



Answering the Rabbis

The Plague of Original Sin

When God created mankind, He gave them freedom. Freedom is a good thing, but if human beings are meant to be free, it is impossible to force them to obey God. Adam and Eve were the first human beings who were given this enormous power of free will, and they

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Answering the Atheist

Why Does God Allow Evil?

 Innocent babies die from horrible, painful diseases. Blameless bystanders are killed by natural disasters and little children are murdered in terrorist attacks. So, if God exists, why do we all suffer diseases, violence and war? Where was God during the Holocaust? Why doesn’t He put an end to all

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What is (biblical) Love?

As humans, we are social beings.Therefore, every one of us has the need to be loved, appreciated and have relationships with others. Humans are incapable of living on their own, with no relationships. That is why people who are in solitude tend to go insane. We were created to live in a society and depend on one

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Are Miracles Possible?

 The Bible describes phenomena which, according to the laws of nature, are impossible. Virgins don’t give birth. Angels don’t deliver messages to humans. The sea doesn’t part on its own. Fire doesn’t rain down from the sky. People don’t walk on water. The dead don’t come back to life.

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Answers in Prophecy

The Crucifixion Foretold by Zechariah

We are all very familiar with the famous icon of “the Crucified Jesus”, probably mostly recognized as the symbol of Christianity. But what if we told you that this image of the pierced Messiah is actually a biblical Jewish concept? And what if we told you that there is a

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Messiah: Suffering Servant or Victorious King?

In order to dismiss the possibility that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, who suffered and died as a sacrifice for our sins, rabbis of our time try to claim that the Messiah was never supposed to suffer or to die at all, but rather that the Messiah was to

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What is the Purpose of the Torah (Law)?

Rabbi Yaakov Ades writes: “The more we know about the value of the Law and of our soul, the more strength we will have to strive and overcome in the work of the LORD. Therefore, we need to know the great value of the Law and the commandments. The Vilna

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Contradictions in the New Testament?!

Over the last years, the rabbis in Israel have been working hard to challenge and attack the New Testament’s credibility.     We decided to collect and summarize for you their ten most famous “contradictions”.     Enjoy!     Contradiction #1: Rabbi Yossi Mizrahi claims:     “How can it be that

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Why are the Torah’s Commandments so Cruel?

Capital punishment by stoning!? By hanging!? By burning at the stake!? Sometimes to the modern reader the maximum penalties in the Old Testament may seem cruel, barbaric or primitive. On the other hand, our system of punishment in modern day western society would be regarded as weak, too soft and ridiculous in

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