



Answering the Rabbis

Psalm 22 a Prophecy about Jesus’ crucifixion

Rabbi Yosi Mizrachi claims that Jesus cannot be the Messiah, because when he was on the cross he begged God to save him, but God didn’t save him and he wasn’t able to save himself. In the New Testament, Matthew describes what happened: “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried

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Contradictions in the New Testament?!

Over the last years, the rabbis in Israel have been working hard to challenge and attack the New Testament’s credibility.     We decided to collect and summarize for you their ten most famous “contradictions”.     Enjoy!     Contradiction #1: Rabbi Yossi Mizrahi claims:     “How can it be that

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The Messiah is God

Rabbi Tovia Singer says: “Anyone who thinks that God came down to us, manifested as anything, whether as cottage cheese or as Jesus, such person is going to the eternal fire of hell and will not enjoy Heaven.” Rabbi Daniel Asor adds: “The Old Testament forbids pagan beliefs which evolve

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Answering the Atheist

What is (biblical) Love?

As humans, we are social beings.Therefore, every one of us has the need to be loved, appreciated and have relationships with others. Humans are incapable of living on their own, with no relationships. That is why people who are in solitude tend to go insane. We were created to live in a society and depend on one

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"This is the 21st century! Who needs God?!"

 In their book, “Evolution from Space”, Nobel Prize of Physics winner – Dr. Fred Hoyle and Astrobiologist – Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe tried to calculate the odds that even one single, long molecule which contains any information could originate at random. We’ll spare you the infinite number they reached, but

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Is Jesus Just for the Simple and Uneducated?

 Will an educated person inevitably reject the message of Jesus? And what about an intelligent Jew? Would they automatically reject Jesus and His teachings? Is it only fools and uneducated people that are impressed by the message of Jesus? This is what the rabbis want you to believe at

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Videos & Articles

Answers in Prophecy

Isn’t the Messiah Supposed to Bring World Peace?

Rabbi Tovia Singer claims: “If Jesus was the Messiah, you would have known that from reading the newspapers, because the front page would be about peace instead of wars. But since Jesus’ time until this day, more than 120 million people have died in wars.” Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi added that

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Messiah: Suffering Servant or Victorious King?

In order to dismiss the possibility that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, who suffered and died as a sacrifice for our sins, rabbis of our time try to claim that the Messiah was never supposed to suffer or to die at all, but rather that the Messiah was to

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Yeshua's Return – He's Coming, Ready Or Not

Yeshua is coming, ready or not. What will it be like to see Him face to face? This mighty God who calls us “friend”? Have you tried to imagine it? The idea of the “face of God” appears many times in Scripture, and can be understood to mean Yeshua himself

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Is Blood Necessary for Atonement of Sins?

The motif of the blood is so strong, so central, and so important in the Pentateuch that it’s impossible to separate it from the motif of sacrifice and atonement for sins, which are interrelated. The Pentateuch teaches that when someone sins, they must be put to death, or that someone

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The Plague of Original Sin

When God created mankind, He gave them freedom. Freedom is a good thing, but if human beings are meant to be free, it is impossible to force them to obey God. Adam and Eve were the first human beings who were given this enormous power of free will, and they

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