I Met Messiah!

Jews meet their Messiah

As Jewish people, most of us grow up without considering whether or not Yeshua is the Messiah expected by our people for millennia. Yet, something happened in our lives that changed each of us and caused us to rethink the usual Jewish views about Jesus. Usually, it was a series of events and ultimately the prophecies in the Tenach – the Old Testament that caused our “Storytellers” to become followers of Yeshua.

In fact, most of our people do not realize that Yeshua was born a Jew, the first believers of Yeshua were all Jews and the first messianic communities were all Jewish…they were Israelis just like me!

As Messianic Jews we observe the Jewish holidays and support the state of Israel. We are Jews in every way and yet believe that the Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua. You might not be aware of it, but throughout the world, there are many large communities of Jewish believers in Yeshua (estimation in the hundred’s of thousands). In Israel, there are many communities and home fellowships of Messianic Jews. We believe that if you were born a Jew, you are a Jew, period!.. and believing in Yeshua not only does not change this but rather, as you will see and hear, fulfills all we ever hoped for as Jewish men and women!

One for Israel is reaching Millions worldwide

These films have been seen by Millions all over the Globe and have had a powerful impact on Jewish seekers and the church around the globe.

You will smile, laugh and at times be moved to tears by these compelling stories.
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I hope you will watch with an open mind and allow the Holy One of Israel to speak to your heart. Enjoying a personal relationship with God through the Jewish Messiah is the greatest joy of our lives and I pray that this will be true for you as well. Who knows, you might be one who begins with curiosity and concludes with faith.

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Help us brings these stories of salvation to millions more!

The best way to bless Israel, and the world, is with Jesus!

Help us introduce Israel to their Messiah by supporting ONE FOR ISRAEL


Pray for our evangelism team as they share Jesus on the digital frontier. Pray for the content they are creating and the people who are connecting with us online. Pray in accordance with Romans 10:1 – “Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation.”


Proclaim to your friends, family, small group, church or congregation how the gospel is going forth in Israel once again! Share Jesus with your Jewish friends and how He has transformed your life.


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Consider a monthly or other recurring gift to help us budget and get the word out far and wide.

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718