
Latest Articles

Imprecatory Psalms and prayers asking for the wrath of God

Imprecatory Psalms: Is it Good to Ask God to Punish Evil?

You’d be forgiven for not knowing what an “imprecatory psalm” or an “imprecatory prayer” is, but with things the way they are at the moment, it’s a good time to get familiar with them, and understand how to wield them rightly. There are many imprecatory psalms in the Bible, such

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Handel's Messiah

Groundbreaking Version of Handel’s Messiah

Although Handel’s Messiah was first performed in Hebrew around ten years ago, the oratorio which was originally composed in 1741 has had a fresh new makeover for 2025 designed to captivate a more modern audience. Isaiah’s prophecies that were put to the most extraordinary music by Handel still have a

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Upcoming feasts

The Rich Meaning of Immanuel

The word Immanuel gets banded around a lot at this time of year due to one of the most startling Messianic prophecies there is: Therefore Adonai Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive. When she is giving birth to a son, she will call his name

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Christmakkah - the Christmas, Hanukkah and Sukkot connection

Christmakkah: The Hanukkah, Sukkot & Christmas Connection!

It’s Christmakkah! Occasionally, Hanukkah and Christmas collide. Many think of these holidays like oil and water—from two completely different faith traditions that cannot be mixed. Many who celebrate Hanukkah, even if they love Jesus, will struggle with Christmas. Similarly, many Christians mistakenly think Hanukkah has nothing to do with them.

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Bible Teachings

Imprecatory Psalms and prayers asking for the wrath of God

Imprecatory Psalms: Is it Good to Ask God to Punish Evil?

You’d be forgiven for not knowing what an “imprecatory psalm” or an “imprecatory prayer” is, but with things the way they are at the moment, it’s a good time to get familiar with them, and understand how to wield them rightly. There are many imprecatory psalms in the Bible, such

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why is Israel called Israel, and what does Israel mean?

What Does Israel Mean?

How did Israel get the name Israel? And what does it mean? The answer is not so simple. The word “Israel” is mentioned 2362 times in the Bible, 2284 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 78 times in the New Testament as well. Where does the word come from and

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Insights from Hebrew

why is Israel called Israel, and what does Israel mean?

What Does Israel Mean?

How did Israel get the name Israel? And what does it mean? The answer is not so simple. The word “Israel” is mentioned 2362 times in the Bible, 2284 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 78 times in the New Testament as well. Where does the word come from and

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Where can I find hope

How to Find Hope

You might have thought the word “hope” would appear in the Bible all over the place. Hundreds of times. But if you’re looking to find hope, the word itself is mentioned just over 80 in the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, and just under 80 in the 27 books

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The choirmaster: Praise and victory are linked in Hebrew

The Choirmaster: How Praise is Linked to Victory

After outlining all the desperate straits that he and his countrymen are in, the book of the prophet Habakkuk ends on an extremely interesting and unusual note. The last verse says this: “God, the Lord, is my strength, and He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and He makes me to

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Arabic Ministry News

Reaching our neighbors

The Druze: Key People in Israel

Twenty percent of Israel’s 9 million strong population are Israeli Arabs, including both Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs. But there are other ethnic minorities living in Israel who also need Yeshua! One of those minority groups has been in the headlines lately. There are approximately 130,000 Druze people living in

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John, our Yemeni friend, explains how he now loves Jesus and Israel

Our Yemeni Friend who Loves Jesus… and Israel

A Yemeni ex-Muslim named John Ghanim has undergone the most extraordinary life transformation. So dramatic is his story that it went viral with over 16 million views from Yemenis watching in their dialect. He started life in a simple village in the Yemen, a country known for its deep devotion to

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Messianic Perspective

Jewish Apologetics

Jesus’ Genealogies: Contradictory or complementary?

Jesus’ genealogies are frequently said to be irreconcilable. They are not. They are an invitation to delve deeply into the history of both Israel and her Messiah, intended not to mystify but to edify. Guest blog by James Bejon The New Testament attributes two different genealogies to Jesus. One is

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Why Messiah must be God!

Does the New Testament turn a mere man into God? This is what New Testament critic Rabbi Daniel Asor thinks: “The Bible rejects pagan idolatry that revolves around human-like gods, men as gods.” Correct. In the pagan cultures of the East, gurus climb up a religious ladder until they get to the highest step of becoming a god. This is idolatry without

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Contradictions in the New Testament?!

Over the last years, the rabbis in Israel have been working hard to challenge and attack the New Testament’s credibility.     We decided to collect and summarize for you their ten most famous “contradictions”.     Enjoy!     Contradiction #1: Rabbi Yossi Mizrahi claims:     “How can it be that

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