
Latest Articles

Seventeenth of Tammuz is a day of mourning

The Seventeenth of Tammuz: Breaching the Walls of Jerusalem

Ever felt like you were in dire straits? There’s a period in the Hebrew calendar called “between the straits” and it starts on the seventeenth day of Tammuz. Why the seventeenth of Tammuz? This is traditionally the date on which the walls of Jerusalem were breached by enemies, after which

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BLess Israel

What Does it Mean to Bless Israel According to Genesis 12:3?

There’s been a lot of talk about “standing with Israel” and “blessing Israel” according to Genesis 12:3, but is that right? Is Genesis 12:3 just about Israel? And what does it mean to “bless Israel” anyway? Because, heads up, contrary to what so many seem to think, blessing Israel is

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The choirmaster: Praise and victory are linked in Hebrew

The Choirmaster: How Praise is Linked to Victory

After outlining all the desperate straits that he and his countrymen are in, the book of the prophet Habakkuk ends on an extremely interesting and unusual note. The last verse says this: “God, the Lord, is my strength, and He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and He makes me to

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Upcoming feasts

Getting ready for Pentecost, the wild fires will spread!

Pentecost Preparation for What’s Coming…

The biblical season of “Counting the Omer” happens between Passover and Pentecost. Pentecost in the Bible is known as the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot in Hebrew, but it all means the same thing: 50 (pente) days, or the equivalent seven weeks (shavuot) if you’re counting in weeks.  Many ears are pricking

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The Gift Of Shabbat

Have we lost the meaning of Shabbat? God sanctified the seventh day and made it holy, and continues to insist that we should keep the Shabbat many times throughout Scripture. But why is it so special? And what should it mean to us who are living in the New Covenant?

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Pentecost brought a revolution around the world, all nations could join in God's covenant with Israel

The Revolution of Pentecost

Pentecost (the word “pente” relates to the 50 days counted since Passover) is also known in Israel as Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks. Pentecost was the event when the Holy Spirit was poured out and made available to all flesh, as God promised through the prophet Joel. It’s easy to

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Bible Teachings

The choirmaster: Praise and victory are linked in Hebrew

The Choirmaster: How Praise is Linked to Victory

After outlining all the desperate straits that he and his countrymen are in, the book of the prophet Habakkuk ends on an extremely interesting and unusual note. The last verse says this: “God, the Lord, is my strength, and He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and He makes me to

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Praying to our Father, who is in heaven

Our Father: The Lord’s Prayer

The disciples asked Jesus for some prayer tips—after all, He should know. How should we pray? In Jewish tradition, and for some Christians too, prayers are a fixed script to read out. For many from these backgrounds, making up a prayer from the heart can feel strange or overwhelming, so

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life is in the blood

Life is in the Blood

God could, theoretically, have made blood green, couldn’t He? Or any color, come to that. He is the Creator, it’s all His design, He could do whatever He liked. But He made blood red. Red, sticky, and with a propensity to stain things. God communicates to us through so much

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Insights from Hebrew

The choirmaster: Praise and victory are linked in Hebrew

The Choirmaster: How Praise is Linked to Victory

After outlining all the desperate straits that he and his countrymen are in, the book of the prophet Habakkuk ends on an extremely interesting and unusual note. The last verse says this: “God, the Lord, is my strength, and He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and He makes me to

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Psalm 91 – Living Under the Shadow of His Wings

Psalm 91 begins like this: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. יֹשֵׁב, בְּסֵתֶר עֶלְיוֹן; בְּצֵל שַׁדַּי, יִתְלוֹנָן. Dwelling in the shelter of the Most High, abiding in the shadow of the Almighty. The word “beseter” (בְּסֵתֶר) means in the secret

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Psalm 23, the Lord is my shepherd

Psalm 23, Hebrew Meanings Explained

Psalm 23 is well known and well loved. And with good reason. There are a few words in Hebrew however, which don’t come through in their fulness when expressed in English. I’d like to tell you a bit about what I see in those words. א  מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד:    יְהוָה רֹעִי,

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Arabic Ministry News

Reaching our neighbors

John, our Yemeni friend, explains how he now loves Jesus and Israel

Our Yemeni Friend who Loves Jesus… and Israel

A Yemeni ex-Muslim named John Ghanim has undergone the most extraordinary life transformation. So dramatic is his story that it went viral with over 16 million views from Yemenis watching in their dialect. He started life in a simple village in the Yemen, a country known for its deep devotion to

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Israeli Arab has Life-Changing Dream About Jesus!

Nadia is an Israeli Arab from Haifa who has recently accepted Jesus as her Savior and Lord. Like many Arab Christians, she grew up with religion, but no real relationship with God through Jesus. Here she tells her remarkable story of how she had traveled halfway across the world before

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Messianic Perspective

Jewish Apologetics

Jesus’ Genealogies: Contradictory or complementary?

Jesus’ genealogies are frequently said to be irreconcilable. They are not. They are an invitation to delve deeply into the history of both Israel and her Messiah, intended not to mystify but to edify. Guest blog by James Bejon The New Testament attributes two different genealogies to Jesus. One is

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Why Messiah must be God!

Does the New Testament turn a mere man into God? This is what New Testament critic Rabbi Daniel Asor thinks: “The Bible rejects pagan idolatry that revolves around human-like gods, men as gods.” Correct. In the pagan cultures of the East, gurus climb up a religious ladder until they get to the highest step of becoming a god. This is idolatry without

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Contradictions in the New Testament?!

Over the last years, the rabbis in Israel have been working hard to challenge and attack the New Testament’s credibility.     We decided to collect and summarize for you their ten most famous “contradictions”.     Enjoy!     Contradiction #1: Rabbi Yossi Mizrahi claims:     “How can it be that

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One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel.