“I discovered God after struggling to cope with all the evil”
My story: How amazing that there are people who care and take an interest! I discovered God after struggling to cope with all the evil
“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.” - Romans 10:1
In our years of ministry we have met many around the world who have a heart to pray for Israel, but many lack the understanding and relevant information on HOW to pray.
Just as Yeshua (Jesus) instructed His disciples in Matthew 9:38, we’re to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers, we’re to pray that His Holy Spirit opens hearts of our Arab and Jewish brothers to the Gospel, and we’re to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Our goal is to build up a prayer network of friends around the world who are taking up that task of prayer.
That’s why we’ve curated a collection of podcasts, testimonies, articles and a 31-day prayer guide to help you pray and lead prayer groups to fuel this Gospel awakening in Israel.
Every day our team chats with Israeli seekers and new believers who are reaching out to us online.
We’ve edited their stories to maintain their privacy and safety, and posted them here for our prayer team around the world to gain insight into their journey and so you can better know how to pray for them.
Most of these new believers are the only believers in their community, and even though we can’t include their names, God knows as you pray for each testimony.
Please take a moment to read their stories, and pray that God will keep and strengthen their faith!
My story: How amazing that there are people who care and take an interest! I discovered God after struggling to cope with all the evil
My story: Wow you made me so excited… I’m exploding here! First of all everyone was in shock that I came to faith from your
My story: “Hello again, I just wanted to say I finished reading the New Testament (not quite in the right order because I was curious
My story: I always wanted to get closer [to God] and to do what you need to do but I always knew in my heart
In these days of promise, we’re seeing eyes opened and miraculous breakthroughs for the Gospel!
But with these miracles comes persecution, as both Messianic Jews and Arab Christians are attacked on every front when they follow the Gospel of Peace. The One For Israel team also faces threat as we proclaim the Good News.
This battle is too intense to face alone, so our vision is to inspire and equip intercessors and prayer groups around the world to pray as ONE for Israel’s awakening and protection.
We’ve created a prayer pack to help you lead a prayer group in your neighborhood or church, so please contact our team to request yours today!
Many people are aware of the instruction in Psalm 122 to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. If the Bible tells us to do something, it’s a good idea to do it! But more than that, the Psalm is bursting with blessings for those who care about God’s land, God’s city and God’s people. Often when there is a command in the Bible there is an accompanying promise. In this case, we are promised “shalom”. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem—May those who love you be at peace!” (Psalm 122:6). We also see the example of the Apostle Paul who prayed for his people, but what was the focus of his prayers? Salvation! “Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation” (Romans 10:1). So not only does the Bible command us to pray but we are also given a good example to follow and a promise to believe as we do so.
Since Gentile believers are not only linked with Israel but are actually grafted into the root, it makes sense to pray for the tree you’re grafted into! The Apostle Paul explains: “If the firstfruit is holy, so is the whole batch of dough; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. But if some of the branches were broken off and you—being a wild olive—were grafted in among them and became a partaker of the root of the olive tree with its richness, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, it is not you who support the root but the root supports you” (Romans 11:16-18). Far from the arrogance or superiority which some exhibit towards Israel, Paul instructs Gentile disciples to recognize this picture of the olive tree. Love and prayer for God’s chosen nation is a way of expressing appreciation for the root which supports you.
God has made Israel the center of the world: Thus says Adonai Elohim: “This is Jerusalem! I have set her in the midst of the nations, with countries all around her” (Ezekiel 5:5). In fact, in Ezekiel 38:12, God refers to Israel as “Tabor haAretz” the bellybutton of the world! God’s concern is for all the nations of the earth, but He uses Israel as a vessel through which to work. It is through Israel that the Bible was delivered to the nations, and also the Messiah. God also uses Israel as an illustration to the world about His dealings with mankind, and the unfolding story has not finished. Israel continues to be a spiritual center of significance, and God’s dealings with Israel flow out to the whole earth. Your prayers for Israel consequently affect the whole earth.
God has laid out His plan of redemption spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Keeping an eye on prophecies coming to pass in the Middle East also helps orient us as to where we are in God’s unveiling story. Praying into God’s stated purposes for Israel is to keep in step with His program. We have seen tremendous strides forward last century as Israel was re-formed after 2000 years of exile and Jerusalem was miraculously back in the hands of the Jewish people. Jesus said “Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:23-25) and Paul reiterates this in Romans 11, saying that a partial hardening has come upon Israel but only until the end of the time of the Gentiles. We are promised that ultimately “All Israel will be saved” and the prophet Zechariah paints the extraordinary picture for us of what that will look like in the last few chapters of his book. Similarly, the last few chapters of Isaiah also speak of a remarkable future for Israel and the world when the Messiah comes to rule and reign, giving us a glorious hope and a vision to pray into. To pray for Israel in the light of prophetic scripture is to align with God’s purposes on the earth.
For over 2000 years Yeshua (Jesus) was the best kept secret amongst the Jewish people, however, today our Gospel videos in Hebrew have had over 68 Million views in Israel alone!
Click on each item below to learn how you can pray:
This awakening is not in the local square but online, as thousands of Israelis are responding to our Gospel outreach. Our websites and social media platforms are a destination for seekers all over Israel, packed with testimonies, apologetics videos answering atheists and rabbinic objections to Jesus, and many more faith-related topics. In these videos, we defend our faith with apologetics and challenge non-believers to investigate and reconsider their views about Jesus.
Did you know that over 6,000 Israelis a month search Google for Jesus? That’s more google searches than any other religion or religious figure in Israel! To compare, the word rabbi in any search only receives 1/3 of the search queries as those searching for our Messiah! Please pray for God to guide people in their internet searches to find the Messiah.
Last year, our outreach videos in Hebrew received 16.9 million views! Many that we reach with our videos write us that they’ve been binge watching our videos about Yeshua. Pray for more binge watching of the Gospel!
Many Israelis have had to evacuate and leave the towns they once worked, given the conflict. Pray for new enterprise, for rapid job creation, and for God’s help for those who are struggling with the crisis.
© 2025 – One For Israel is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization headquartered in Israel.