A Record-Breaking Breakthrough Year in Israel!

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As mad and as hideous as 2020 has been, there has been breakthrough after breakthrough for the gospel in Israel. There has been much suffering, but it has been precisely the hardships and insecurities produced by the pandemic that have caused so many to look up.

As Israelis have been searching for answers, we have been producing videos and literature telling the truth about Jesus as rapidly as God gives us strength! We’re seeing a voracious hunt for hope and insatiable appetite for truth across Israel and the nations.

Binge-watching the gospel

Over the last ten years or so, we have been seeing exponential growth in the number of Israelis investigating faith in Jesus, with 2017 being a peak year in numbers watching our evangelistic videos.

However, 2020 has broken all our records.

We now have had a whopping 154 million views of all our videos put together, 35 million of which come from Israel alone.

When I tell you that the population of Israel is just 9 million, you can see how significant this breakthrough is.

We have had 6.4 million views on our Hebrew language YouTube channel just this year!

We’ve also had 52.6 million views on our English ONE FOR ISRAEL YouTube channel.

The quantum leap is staggering.

God of the breakthrough

“I never used to be a person of faith or religious in any way but one day my friend sent me a link to one of your videos that explains what the Oral Law of the rabbis is really about. It really interested me to learn what happened with rabbinic Judaism and about the New Testament.”
“I watched video after video and started to do my own research.”

“Since I found myself watching video after video without stopping I decided that I wanted to go deeper and sit with someone who can explain things to me because I still have a lot of questions.”

This person then asked us to help them find a congregation, having come to the conclusion that it was very important to them. We are receiving messages like this almost every day.

2020 has been a very intense year, but God has been turning a lot of the troubles to good. We may feel everything is breaking, but God is bringing breakthrough.


Photo by Shai Pal on Unsplash