Paul’s Sermon Notes
“After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying,
“After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying,
“I do not speak of all of you. I know the ones I have chosen; but
“But when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul began devoting himself completely to the
“‘Behold, the days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘When I will raise up for David a
“‘Therefore behold, the days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when they will no longer say, “As
“On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul
“And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it
After outlining all the desperate straits that he and his countrymen are in, the book of
“So Jesus said to the twelve, ‘You do not want to go away also, do you?’
“Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called ‘Uncircumcision’ by the
“Therefore when you meet together, it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper, for in your
The message went over the tannoy on the beach: the IDF just rescued four hostages! The
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