“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” (Romans 10:14)
November 2nd was the day on which the famous Balfour declaration was made in 1917. However, there are several important facts which people tend to forget today about that important document which led to the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. Three things People Forget about the Balfour Declaration.
November 7th was Billy Graham’s birthday. Reverend Graham was one of the world’s most fruitful evangelists, and even came to Israel to preach the Gospel What happened when Billy Graham came to Israel?
November 20th is 50 days after Yom Kippur, which is when Ethiopian Jews celebrate their arrival to the Promised Land. The celebration is called Sigd, which means “worship”.
November 27th is Thanksgiving for our friends in the US. There are many similarities between the Thanksgiving celebrations and the Feast of Tabernacles, to the point that some have wondered if the early pilgrims were basing Thanksgiving on that biblical feast.
November 27th 1947 was the date that the UN partition plan was decided. Just as rumors were abounding that the Bible was a recent work of zionist fiction and that the Jews had no history in the land, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and our claim to a historic homeland was verifiably proven. God’s timing is always impeccable!
November 30th In response to the steps towards the restoration of Israel, many Arab nations expelled their Jewish citizens in fury. There were riots, lootings and massacres, causing almost all to flee to the new Jewish state. Over 50% of Israel’s Jews were from Muslim nations, and this is the date chosen to Remember Jews exiled from Arab lands and Iran.
A Messianic Perspective – Watch Torah Portions Explained
What are we to make of the Balfour Declaration today? The words below have been prayed by Jewish people around the globe quite literally every
“You must tell them the truth, the reality of the situation”, said my Ethiopian friend, when I asked her what she wanted the world to
Not long after Yeshua walked the earth, the Jewish people were scattered in what would become known as the second exile, the first being the
Even in his death (perhaps promotion would better describe the event), Reverend Billy Graham has once again spread the Gospel far and wide, as tributes
On the fourth Thursday of November, Americans celebrate the feast of Thanksgiving. The roots of the feast are quite interesting, and relate to the Biblical feast
It was November, 1947. The learned professor studied the newly discovered Dead Sea Scrolls to try and ascertain if they were as important as he
As we approach the American holiday of Thanksgiving, it’s a good reminder for us in Israel to give thanks no matter what. Apart from American
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