“The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus….” (Isaiah 35:1)
March 3rd is the start of the new semester here at our Bible College. Please pray for our students!
March 17th is St Patrick’s Day! For many people this day is about turning everything green, but the real St Patrick was a great hero of our faith. And did you know that St Patrick was a Messianic Jew?!
Many people in the nations will be fasting in some manner for the weeks up until Resurrection day. Fasting is a great practice to get into for many reasons! Why Does Fasting Work?
March 14th is Purim, the Feast of Esther. Did you know that the Feast of Purim is commanded in the Bible, in the book of Esther? It’s a very unusual kind of feast for many reasons! Read all about it: 4 Things Hidden in Esther and the Story of Purim
Esther is particularly famous for her courage and the way she interceded for her people. Her example gives us lots to learn from. The Secrets of Esther the Intercessor
Meanwhile, in Israel, people are cleaning their houses ready for Passover and getting rid of leaven. It’s the time for a deep spring clean. Did You Know Spring Cleaning is Commanded in the Bible?!
As we gear up for Passover and the weekend that changed all of history, we remember some of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. It was not long before He died that He cursed the fig tree and overturned tables in the temple. Was He in a bad state of mind? Or were there important and prophetic reasons for His behavior? Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?1
A Messianic Perspective – Watch Torah Portions Explained
Purim commemorates the narrow escape of the entire Jewish people from the threat of annihilation, and the courage of Queen Esther who bravely stood up
Changes are happening in Israeli supermarkets – cleaning products are on special offer, and sections of “Kosher for Pesach” goods are appearing with no traces
A Muslim man from Yemen came to faith in Jesus recently through the matter of fasting. But probably not in the way you might imagine.
Purim is the Jewish holiday taken from the book of Esther that reminds us that God is always at work even when He seems absent,
Everyone is dressing up in funny outfits here in Israel – it’s Purim! The name “Purim” comes from the lots that were cast in the
J.E.F. of Shemen Sasson writes about a curious turn of phrase in the book of Esther: “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and
There is evidence that St Patrick was in fact Jewish. There’s a lot about that guy you might not know actually. The truth has been
The book of Esther is about a secretly Jewish orphan girl who bravely offers up her life in order to save her people, thus saving
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