Jewish Apologetics & Messianic Prophecies (New Videos 2017)

We are happy to announce the release of our new apologetics video project (2016-2017). all about faith, science, philosophy and more (… all in Hebrew, to reach those in Israel who do not yet believe in our wonderful God!
Messianic Prophecies, Answering Rabbinic Objections to Yeshua (Jesus), philosophy, and more… all in Hebrew, in order to reach Jewish and Arab Israelis in their own language!
Just as no devout Catholic would challenge the Pope’s ruling, for the last 2000 years, Jewish people have not dared to challenge the Orthodox Jewish rabbis’ rulings. The topic we want to challenge them about, of course, is Jesus. Jesus is considered by Judaism to be a form of idolatry and paganism, not realizing He is actually the One that Israel has being waiting for – the Jewish Messiah! But today, the game is about to change!  is our largest website for dealing with “Jewish apologetics”; answering the objections from from the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis, and is basically geared more towards the religious and traditional Israeli. It includes over 50 short videos answering approximately 100 objections, as well as over 300 articles answering more objections and sharing the gospel to a Jewish mind. In we show how the Rabbis have kept Jesus a secret from Israel for over 2,000 years. We even quote ancient Jewish sources to show that the Old Testament prophecies we refer people to were interpreted in the past just as we interpret them – as being about the Messiah!
This is also the first time in modern Israeli history that Jewish citizens are challenging the Orthodox Rabbis in the sight of the whole nation, forcing Israel to deal with “the elephant in the synagogue” – Jesus!
Below is the list of some of the videos that are producing, along with dozens of articles. (Most of which, will receive English subtitles during 2017..) Please find them on our YouTube channel.

  •  Overview of the Messianic Prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures.
  •  Does the New Testament really teach the belief in 3 gods?
  • How can Jesus be the Messiah if there is still war? Isn’t Messiah supposed to bring world peace?
  • What does it mean that God has a “son”? Isn’t that a pagan concept?
  • Is believing in Jesus idolatry? Did He really entice Israel to worship foreign gods?
  • Isaiah 7 on the virgin birth of the Messiah.
  • Is the New Testament really for weak people looking for an easy way out?
  • Daniel 9 on the timing of the Messiah’s coming.
  • 10 ways in which Jesus changed the world.
  • Is the New Testament really anti-Semitic?
  • Zechariah 12 prophecy on the piercing of the Messiah.
  • How many versions of the New Testament are there?
  • The rabbis’ “straw man” argument that the New Testament teaches God replaced Israel.
  • “Shut up and be pretty!” – rabbis exclusion of women vs. Jesus’ approach to women.
  • What’s with all the blood and sacrifices in the Hebrew Scriptures? – it’s relation to Jesus and the rabbinic distortion of Hosea 14:2.
  • Who cares about a dead Messiah? The resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
  • Which is the continuation of the Hebrew Scriptures: rabbinic tradition or the New Testament?
  • Crusades, inquisitions, pogroms, blood libels and their relation to Jesus.
  • Is Jesus a descendant of the line of David? Or is His lineage full of contradictions?
  • Psalm 22 on the crucifixion of the Messiah, and the rabbinic distortion of verse 16.
  • The real reason for the rabbis’ rejection of the Messiahship of Jesus.
  • “Love your neighbor as yourself” – Maimonides vs. Jesus.
  • Answering the top 10 “contradictions” in the New Testament as claimed by Orthodox rabbis.
  • The gospel of Jesus vs. the rabbinic gospel – who is representing God more accurately?
  • Jeremiah 31 on the coming New Covenant.
  • Isaiah 53 on the suffering, death and rejection of the Messiah by His own people Israel.
  • The Messiah is God Himself.
  • The parable of the prodigal son that divided the world into two.
  • Did God really give Moses an “Oral Law” in addition to the Written Law at Mt Sinai?
  • What is “love”? The definition of love set by Jesus and the New Testament.
  • Do all religions lead to God?
  • Isn’t it enough to be “a good person”?
  • Does God wear a Yarmulke? Is He interested in religion?
  • Should the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” shake our faith in a Creator for the universe?
    This video exposes the flaws within the satirical Flying Spaghetti Monster theory that has recently gained popularity, discussing faith in God versus faith in mythical creatures such as Santa, unicorns, or sentient pasta. What is required for a god to be omnipotent? Who has the burden of proof?
  • The precise fine-tuning of the initial conditions of the universe, so that life might arise, testifies to the extreme likelihood of intelligent design
    A delicate combination of conditions enables Earth to sustain life. Could this extraordinary balance have happened by chance or is it proof of intelligent design?
  •  Neither running from God nor trying to appease Him with works will bring us satisfaction
    Here we present a verse-by-verse study of the “prodigal son” parable, discussing why either rejecting God completely or trying to win Him over with religiosity are equally bad, and the only path to living our most rewarding life is through the Gospel.
  • Faith in light of science
    Can science disprove God? There are bounds which science cannot overstep, and by using simple logic we can show the paradox that exists within a naturalistic worldview.
  • God of the gaps? Does our modern understanding of how the world really works mean God is dead?
    Just because we have a more nuanced understanding of the universe’s inner workings doesn’t mean we don’t need God. In fact, with more knowledge of the vast complexity of our universe emerging each year, the implication toward intelligent design grows ever more apparent.
  • If God created the universe, who created God? Richard Dawkins’ delusions
    We work to expose the mistakes in Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion,” showing the weak foundation for his claims and providing counter-arguments to his ideology.
  • Darwin’s myth, Dawkins’ paradox, and the evolution of the blind watchmaker
    Is natural selection able to provide a sufficient explanation for the origin of life itself? We explain exactly how staggeringly improbable it is that life might have arisen merely by chance.
  • “In the beginning”
    We cover Dr. William Lane Craig’s explanation of the “Cosmological Argument,” which lays out how the Big Bang necessitates a cause, and therefore a creator or “Prime Mover”. We also provide counter-arguments to common atheistic objections to this argument.
  • Faith in God: For ignorant simpletons only?
    The notion that faith in a creator is an old-fashioned and ignorant idea is in itself an ignorant idea. From philosophy to science to art, significant contributions to our understanding of the universe have been made by individuals who hold to the belief in a creator.
  • Is the human body evidence for an evolutionary process or intelligent design?
    Many critics would claim that the human body contains mistakes in its design and must therefore be a product of a “trial and error” evolutionary process. But are these “faults” actually mistakes, or do they serve a crucial purpose still unknown to us?
  • Can man find his origin in lemurs? Looking at genetic differences between man and chimp, might we share a common ancestor with monkeys?
    While the theory of evolution will point at the similarities humans share with apes as an indicator of a common ancestor, we claim that it proves a common designer. Moreover, the critical differences in the expression of each species’ genes serves to disprove this common ancestor theory
  • Can objective morality exist without God? Is there truly such a thing as good and evil?
    From where does morality arise? What are the consequences of living in a world without an objective standard of morality to compare ourselves against?
  • Are miracles possible?
    Passages in the Bible refer to events in which the laws of nature are suspended by divine acts. Does the presence of these passages relegate it to mere myth?
  • The existence of Israel as a modern state stands as evidence of a higher power (as shown in video above).
    Against impossible odds, a small nation of farmers and refugees withstood war after war against forces more powerful than itself. This coincides with ancient prophecies that foretold of a time in which Israel would be reestablished as a lasting presence in the Middle East.
  •  The myth of the “Oral Law” which exalts the rabbis to the level of gods
    Rabbis use extra-biblical texts to establish themselves as ultimate, unchallengeable sources of authority in the religious Jewish community. A closer look reveals just how manipulative and biased their interpretations are, and how extremely they differ from historical Jewish customs.
  • If God really exists, why is there evil in the world? Why isn’t there any peace? Where was He during the Holocaust?
    The problem of evil is the largest cause of people choosing atheism over theism. We look at our world and see that injustice is rampant. But if our world is so totally pervaded by what we see as injustice, where does this sense of justice come from? Why do we look at our world and see it as broken if it’s been this way from the beginning, as atheists will contend? What conclusion is left to us then?
  • What is real love really about, and why is there a human basic need for relationships?
    Is there an objective standard for what “true love” really means? These days, we are regularly provided examples of love in the media, but none of it ever completely satisfies. However, we find the ultimate example of true love in the life of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. In fully understanding this example to us, we are called to a higher standard than the mediocre, noncommittal, lesser love paraded in pop-culture.
  • Is God an amoral monster who encourages slavery?
    Does the fact that the Bible lays out guidelines to humanely treat slaves necessarily indicate that God approves of slavery? We posit that these passages were written with the intention of improving what was already a societal norm. Also, slaves of this period were very different from our mental image of slaves today.
  • Do all religions lead to the same God?
    How can followers of Jesus claim that their way is the only path to the “one true God?” What is objective truth and how important is it for us to seek this out?
  • What is “sin”, and is it enough that I’m a good person?
    The fact that we inherently bend towards self-seeking behavior indicates that something is inherently wrong in our human nature. The solution then must be external and originate from a morally perfect source.
  • Is God religious?
    Does God really impose burdensome religious practices on His followers? Could these arbitrary and excessive traditions actually come from humans seeking power over one another?
  • Why would a loving God require a genocide?
    One of the most challenging moral questions that believers of the Judeo-Christian God must face is the Old Testament accounts of God demanding acts of genocide from the Israelite people. With a full understanding of the historical and cultural context, the counter-arguments of apologists become easier to swallow.
  • Is there really such a thing as free will?
    Does the fact that God knows the future negate our free will? If God knows the outcome of every choice, are we really the ones who make them? Are we robotic slaves to predeterminism?
  • Tackling commonly cited “discrepancies” in the Bible
    Here we present responses to a compilation of Bible critics’ favorite “contradictions.” By reading these passages within the appropriate context, the supposedly “glaring inconsistencies” become easily explainable mistakes of textual criticism.

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