Life is in the Blood
God could, theoretically, have made blood green, couldn’t He? Or any color, come to that. He
God could, theoretically, have made blood green, couldn’t He? Or any color, come to that. He
The people of Israel and Jewish people worldwide were called to pray the “Shema” recently, to
In His teaching about end times, Jesus tells us repeatedly to “watch and pray”. But what
Being happy seems to be a bit of a holy grail in our world today. Like
Light is expensive, as many households are discovering with rising energy bills. Whether it’s generated by
There is evidence that St Patrick was in fact Jewish. There’s a lot about that guy
At least two people were paying attention: the prophets Simeon and Anna are mentioned in Luke
Growing up with an artist, I know that frames are strategically chosen for each and every
“But Saul kept increasing in strength and confounding the Jews who lived at Damascus by proving
“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the
“But now, if You will, forgive their sin — and if not, please blot me out
Guest blog by Jeroen Amador How did Yeshua become Jesus? Anyone who speaks more than one
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