


Arabic Outreach

Muslims Met Messiah

Reading the Bible in Gaza

He wrapped it back up in the cloth, put it carefully back in the hole in the wall, and covered it up with a brick. No one would ever guess it was there. Ali (not his real name) was fascinated by the Bible. He had downloaded a Bible app to

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Theology – what is it good for?

  Theology. Sounds heavy, right? Should it be a central part of our lives? Or is it a lot of highbrow arguing that just takes us away from God? How about you? Do you find the term intimidating? Theology comes from 2 Greek words: “Theos” and “Logia”. “Theos” means God,  and “Logia” is knowledge or study. So

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Forgiveness – from a Messianic Jewish Perspective

To forgive is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges for mankind. However, forgiveness is also one of the pillars of faith in the gospel in the New Testament. After all, who hasn't heard of the command to “turn the other cheek”? Forgiveness needs to be one of the main attributes in the

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Joy – How to keep it when it's hard?

What's the source of your Joy? Especially when times are hard we need a steadfast source of Joy that can't be rocked by the circumstances around us. We wanted to share another one of our Online Discipleship videos in Hebrew with English subtitles, let us know in the comments what your Joy is and how Yeshua fulfills your Joy!

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Jewish Holidays

Jewish Holidays

4 Things Hidden in Esther and the Story of Purim

Purim commemorates the narrow escape of the entire Jewish people from the threat of annihilation, and the courage of Queen Esther who bravely stood up for her people. The word “purim” means “lots”, due to the method that wicked Haman used to decide the date that they would wipe out

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The Context of Communion Matters

Guest blog by Greg Denham Communion has been called “The Grand Central Station of the Christian Faith”.  It’s commonly known as “the Lord’s Supper” or “Eucharist”. Unleavened matzah bread is broken and eaten, striped and pierced symbolic of the Lord’s sinless body, and a symbolic cup is received. Jesus described the cup in this

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The Meaning of the Word Pesach

Passover (or Pesach, פסח to use the Hebrew word) was, in essence, an almighty showdown. The God of Israel versus all other gods lifted up in competition and opposition. Each plague showed God's power over each deity of the Egyptians and their supposed domains, whether it was the river, the

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