Israeli Arabs and Jews. United in thE Gospel.

“As an Israeli Messianic Jew, I wake up in the morning with a passion to bring the Good News of Jesus to my Arab brothers…I know without a doubt that the Lord’s heart is for us to be united in Jesus as the one new man.”
Dr. Erez Soref, President One For Israel

Dr. Erez Soref

One for Israel is reaching ALL ISRAEL

20% of Israel’s nine million citizens are Arabs, most of whom are Muslim, and 20% within that number are nominally Christian.
Only a fraction of that number are born-again believers.
In the Middle East and North Africa, less than 4%* of the Arabic speaking population is Christian. Just as in Israel, fewer still are born-again.
* “Projected Religious Population Changes in the Middle East and North Africa.” Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, 30 May 2020,
I cry for myself and for the years I lost while I was far from Christ. I feel a huge relief and calmness as if I am a baby being born again into this world. I long to be baptized!
– Former Muslim singer
I am wandering the streets of Gaza and don’t know what to do. I can’t sleep… After 30 years of being deceived, I’m ready to forsake everything: my home, wife, children, work, father, brothers, and everyone in order to reach the true way.
– A son of an Imam
As a Muslim, I know nothing about Jesus. The videos I’ve watched opened my eyes and mind to many things. I was very moved by the words.
– Muslim Seeker

Arabs & Jews under one roof,
serving together for one Gospel

Across the Middle East, the new “town square” is online. It is here on the digital frontier that our Arab and Jewish team shares Jesus in places we otherwise would never be able to go.
Each day from our studio in the heart of Israel, we produce cutting-edge content online to bless the Arabic-speaking world with Jesus.

Through our evangelistic website, Arabic social media pages, and ever-expanding list of evangelistic videos, we are tearing down generations of lies and replacing them with the truth of who Jesus is.
Did you know?
One of the greatest areas of response to our Arabic evangelism videos is the Gaza Strip. Trapped in Gaza, with nowhere to hear the gospel but through media, people have come to faith, with some even being secretly baptized in the Mediterranean Sea.
“May the Lord bless your ministry in Jesus Christ name, in order to liberate souls and pass them from darkness to the Holy Light. Amen.”
Hadil, Arab evangelism team:
“When they watch our videos on location from Israel, they can’t believe it. To hear the Word of God preached at the Holy sites by Arab believers in Arabic is simply not heard of in the Arab world. They have great respect for us that we are from the Holy Land and know the biblical languages, and many are open and hungry to hear about Jesus.”
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Outreach is only the beginning…

Discipleship of new seekers is one of our most crucial steps.

We know that for most Arabs, there are many “no’s” before they are ready to say “yes” to Jesus.

We understand these objections, and we address them one by one, speaking the truth about the Bible, the prophets, and the Messiah, appealing simultaneously to both Muslims and nominal Christians (such as Catholics and Orthodox Christians who may never have picked up a Bible). Slowly or quickly, we are seeing the “no’s” turn into a resounding “YES!”


Many former Muslims in closed countries desire fellowship in a local church, but face persecution and even death threats after coming to faith. They are left with nowhere to go. Discipleship over the internet becomes their lifeline. Our team actively engages these new believers, teaching them the Word of God online and helping them follow Jesus.

One of our students at ONE FOR ISRAEL’s Bible College used to be part of Al-Qaeda. His journey to faith was extraordinary, and he now receives regular discipleship and studies remotely with us.

Muslim Convert Assistance

For many, to convert from Islam to follow Jesus bears the death penalty. Some are forced to leave their jobs and their homes for safety. When these situations occur, we do our best to provide critical assistance to our new brothers and sisters to help them stand strong and to get them out of danger if at all possible.
“God is our Father, for me it was just like ‘ah-ha’ experience…my eyes were open. Finally, I can have a Father, a loving Father, a Heavenly Father. I became a follower of Jesus Christ.”
- A Muslim who shared one of our videos
“An explanation to the truth of the Christian belief that Christ is the Son of God, and that He has come to let all mankind out of slavery to freedom. Words that you’ll hear for the first time. Get to know Christianity and the truth about eternity. I think that most Christians don’t know about it enough as in this adequate explanation.”
- A comment from an agnostic guy
“Thank you… I’m an agnostic guy but I have benefited from you and acquired education regarding the Bible.”
– Muslim background Arab believer from Kuwait
“I knew the decision I was making to leave Islam was a big decision. By Sharia Law, Islamic Law, it is death penalty. But I was desperate to know a living God. In that day I gave my life to becoming a follower of Jesus…”
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Arab & Jewish Ministry Teams

Beyond our work in online evangelism and discipleship, teams from our Bible college travel to sensitive locations around the world — Arabs and Jews sharing Jesus side by side. United in Him, we not only talk of the Gospel of peace, we are living proof that Jesus is the key to peace in the Middle East.
ONE FOR ISRAEL Arab & Jewish Ministry Team on a muslim outreach in Europe
ONE FOR ISRAEL Arab & Jewish Ministry Team on a muslim outreach in Europe

The best way to bless Israel, and the world, is with Jesus!

“For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.” – Ephesians 2:14-16


PRAY for our Arabic evangelism and discipleship team as they produce new content and interact with seekers online and in person. Pray for our team to be strong and steadfast, unashamed and unafraid in the midst of regular death threats. Pray for those seeking and those coming to faith as they begin to follow Jesus, often in very difficult and even dangerous circumstances.


SHARE with your friends, family, small group, church or congregation about the work of our Arabic ministry and how Arabs and Jews are teaming together to reach the Arab world.


GIVE to our work to share Jesus with the Arabic-speaking world.

Consider a monthly or other recurring gift to help us budget and get the word out far and wide.
ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718