Your 31-day ‘Pray for Israel!’ guide is on its way!

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ONE FOR ISRAEL - Free Prayer Guide- Download

Since you’ve shown that you care about Israel and the Jewish people, we thought you’d like to know that biblical prophecies are being fulfilled today in this land. Not of disaster and calamity, but of revival and resurrection!

Each day, our team is responding to new Israeli believers who’ve just awakened to our Messiah. They are binge-watching our Gospel videos—which are reaching over half a million views a month in Israel alone!

Not only that, but God is using One For Israel to train and disciple over a thousand Jewish and Arab ministry leaders at our Bible college, the only Hebrew-speaking evangelical seminary in the world. And we have a robust ministry to IDF soldiers and young adults.

What God is doing is nothing short of a miracle. But with all that, we feel we’re only at the tipping point of what’s yet to come!

We believe the awakening we’re seeing today is only the beginning, and our job is to rise up to proclaim the hope of Yeshua to our people in Israel and around the world.

So please consider a generous donation below to stand with us in this task.

Thank you for rising up in partnership to believe in God’s promises of redemption, and for joining us, hand in hand, to proclaim the hope of Yeshua across Israel!

In Yeshua’s name,

Dr. Erez Soref, President One For Israel
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

The Best Way to Bless Israel Is With Jesus!

Donate online by  Stewardship

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cost to you.

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The Best Way to Bless Israel Is With Jesus!

other ways to Give

US 501c3 EIN:  61-1901718   –   Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001


Make payable to: ONE FOR ISRAEL


2405 Mustang Dr
Grapevine, Texas 76051


Make payable to: ONE FOR ISRAEL – Canada

Canada Mailing address:

202 – 919 Centre St. NW
Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6

Canadian Registration #: 850121203 RR 0001

Please No Cash

Donate by Stock

To make a gift to ONE FOR ISRAEL by stock please give the following information to your broker:

DTC# 0226 to National Financial Services Acct# 479-048720 for National Christian Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Please include NCF Giving Fund Name: The One For Israel Fund #1938112
Please let us know your intentions so we can verify and ensure proper delivery.

DONATE by Cryptocurrency

Donate by Estate Giving

In as little as one sentence in your will or trust, you can ensure that future generations of Israelis will have access to the gospel…

Let us know your intention to designate a legacy gift to ONE FOR ISRAEL by completing and returning a Letter of Intent by mail (2405 Mustang Dr.  Grapevine, TX 76051) or email ([email protected]). Please contact your financial advisor or attorney for questions about legacy giving and making charity provisions in your will or trust.


Donate by Wire transfer

Donate by Phone

US: +1 817-427-4900

Canada: +1 587-316-1300

Make a secure donation by calling our US office  Monday – Friday  9am – 4:30pm CST

Accountability & Stewardship

ONE FOR ISRAEL believes God delights in faithful stewardship of His resources.
In our aim to have the highest standards of transparency and accountability,
ONE FOR ISRAEL maintains ministry profiles with:

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718 - Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001

Proclaim the Word from Zion

Millions from around the world view our videos and are being connected with God’s heart for Israel and the nations. Your partnership helps us show God’s faithfulness to Israel and brings the Gospel and encouraging testimonies to the nations.

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