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Thank you for requesting your free 31-day guide, One with Christ. We pray God uses it to strengthen and encourage you in your walk with Him.
ONE with Christ - Free Devotional Download

Through this powerful resource, you’ll receive specific scripture verses and godly wisdom that will nurture your relationship with Christ. As you read, you will also be reminded of His many promises.

We love being able to send you the One with Christ: 31-Day Guide for free. You are able to have it because of generous supporters who give to the mission of One for Israel.

Your gift to One for Israel helps to proclaim the Gospel 24/7 on the most popular media platforms in Israel, disciple new believers in closed countries, and helps new Israeli believers who’ve just awakened to our Messiah grow in their faith as they begin to impact their local communities for Christ.
We would be grateful for your support now or in the future. Thank you for your partnership to share God’s hope!
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

The Best Way to Bless Israel Is With Jesus!

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The Best Way to Bless Israel Is With Jesus!

other ways to Give

US 501c3 EIN:  61-1901718   –   Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001


Make payable to: ONE FOR ISRAEL


2405 Mustang Dr
Grapevine, Texas 76051


Make payable to: ONE FOR ISRAEL – Canada

Canada Mailing address:

202 – 919 Centre St. NW
Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6

Canadian Registration #: 850121203 RR 0001

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Donate by Estate Giving

In as little as one sentence in your will or trust, you can ensure that future generations of Israelis will have access to the gospel…

Let us know your intention to designate a legacy gift to ONE FOR ISRAEL by completing and returning a Letter of Intent by mail (2405 Mustang Dr.  Grapevine, TX 76051) or email ([email protected]). Please contact your financial advisor or attorney for questions about legacy giving and making charity provisions in your will or trust.


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US: +1 817-427-4900

Canada: +1 587-316-1300

Make a secure donation by calling our US office  Monday – Friday  9am – 4:30pm CST

Accountability & Stewardship

ONE FOR ISRAEL believes God delights in faithful stewardship of His resources.
In our aim to have the highest standards of transparency and accountability,
ONE FOR ISRAEL maintains ministry profiles with:

ONE FOR ISRAEL is based in Central Israel with a US NonProfit office 501c3 EIN: 61-1901718 - Canadian Registration #: 85012 1203 RR0001

Proclaim the Word from Zion

Millions from around the world view our videos and are being connected with God’s heart for Israel and the nations. Your partnership helps us show God’s faithfulness to Israel and brings the Gospel and encouraging testimonies to the nations.

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