My story:
Shalom, I’ve been following you guys on social media for a few years now and you’ve turned me from being an atheist to being a believer. I always believed in my heart, but doubts kept coming up. I searched for answers to my questions and found the answer in Yeshua – you introduced me to Him and showed me the way.
What to know
- Many are surprised to find out there are a lot of atheists in Israel. Known as “the start-up nation”, hi-tech and science are highly valued, and so many feel God is for the naive or uneducated. The Holocaust also left a whole generation doubting the existence of God entirely
- Not much is known about Jesus in Israel, even though this is the land of His birth, and the people of Israel are His family.
- Many new believers say they found Jesus on the internet, when they started googling their questions, and many are following us on social media as a result.
How to Pray
- Thank God for this person and the many other Israelis who are tracking with us on social media.
- Pray for our media team to make videos in the power of the Holy Spirit, with His inspiration, guidance, and power.
- Pray for our team to have wisdom to know how to help and support seekers who get in touch.
- Pray that God would give great courage to Israelis who are starting to explore the truth about Jesus.
- Pray for new believers to find a good congregation where they can be spiritually fed and cared for as they grow in their faith.
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