


Arabic Outreach

Muslims Met Messiah

Reading the Bible in Gaza

He wrapped it back up in the cloth, put it carefully back in the hole in the wall, and covered it up with a brick. No one would ever guess it was there. Ali (not his real name) was fascinated by the Bible. He had downloaded a Bible app to

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Israeli Arab finds his Eternal Father

Growing up in Abu Gosh, and surrounded by the three major religions, a young secular Muslim realized there must be only one way to God. His Journey led Him to discover the One Messiah who can bridge the Gaps in the Israeli society, and the gaps we each have in

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What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel, exactly? The word “gospel”, as many well know, means “good news”, “good message”, or “glad tidings”. It comes from the old English godspel from god “good” and spel “story, message” 1. In Greek, the word is evangel, from which we get the words evangelism and evangelist –

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The Torah – from a Messianic Jewish perspective

The term “Torah” is one of the most confusing and controversial terms in the Hebrew language. One word with the weight of a long history, a word which has quite a few meanings and preconceived ideas, some of which are not at all true. So then, what is the Torah?

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Theology – what is it good for?

  Theology. Sounds heavy, right? Should it be a central part of our lives? Or is it a lot of highbrow arguing that just takes us away from God? How about you? Do you find the term intimidating? Theology comes from 2 Greek words: “Theos” and “Logia”. “Theos” means God,  and “Logia” is knowledge or study. So

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Jewish Holidays

Jewish Holidays

Yom Kippur: The Do-Nothing Day

The streets are weirdly quiet on Yom Kippur in Israel. Driving is not exactly banned, but it is definitely frowned upon. As a result, children can (and do) safely ride their bikes in the middle of the road. Yom Kippur is a day of contemplation and reflection, fasting and praying. Though

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New moon

The New Moon and Our God of New Beginnings

Much of the world celebrates a new start as December 31st turns into January 1st, whereas Jewish people now celebrate their new year at the Feast of Trumpets. But according to the Bible, the new year starts on “The first day of the first month”. The ‘first month' is the

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